Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite holiday of the year. Does that make me a glutton? If it does, I'm perfectly okay with it. I love to cook, so preparing the meal is fun for me (although Steve and I have been nomads the last few years), it is a great time to have quality time with friends and family (which in our case lately has been our friends' families), you don't have to spend 100 hours decorating the house, and you don't have to go through the pressure of buying gifts for people that you aren't sure they will like and receiving gifts you may not like but have to be nice about. Also, did I mention the food???? Turkey, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, broccoli and cheese, rolls, pumpkin pie, and my favorite STUFFING!
The first stop was Amanda's aunt's house to have lunch with all of her family. This ended up being a girls only trip because Steve and Ryan needed to go set up their tree stands for hunting the next day. Amanda and I went to town (one of us more than the other). I had 2 heaping plate-fulls of food and didn't feel guilty about it one bit. I just blamed it all on the baby. These people don't know me....they don't know that I would have eaten the exact same way whether there was a baby involved or not, so they bought my excuse and didn't judge me.
At one point, I looked down to make sure my napkin was still in my lap during the feeding frenzy only to find that I couldn't even see my lap, much less my napkin. I then relocated my napkin to the nice little shelf on the top of my belly to protect my clothes while I behaved like a little piggy. It kept falling though, which has inspired me to invent a pregnancy napkin....patent pending.
As we sat on the couch rubbing our full bellies, Amanda said 4 of the most glorious words ever spoken, "Time for round 2." We packed up and headed over to Ryan's mom's house to have dinner with his family. Here I had another massive plate and some pumpkin pie. Had I been given another hour for digestion, I bet I could have taken down 2 plates at this house too. I take Thanksgiving very seriously.
Oh, did I forget to mention that Steve's office had their annual Thanksgiving lunch on Wednesday? Yeah, I overate there too. Steve and I were in charge of the turkey and I decided to brine one this was DELISH!
I had a turkey sandwich today with some of the leftovers and the baby got extremely active. I wonder if he got scared that the gorging of the weekend was about to happen all over again.....I wish!
Well, until next year... Bring on Christmas!
PS. I learned yesterday that Canadians celebrate their Harvest at the end of October with a day just like Thanksgiving. I'm invisioning a new Callaway Tradition...Canada in October.
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